Support Progressive Power Building in West Michigan

The structure of the West Michigan Progress PAC offers many opportunities for engagement. As a donor, we invite you to give at the level that matches your capacity and interest. We need Michiganders and allies from across the country to invest at every level to build a shared pool of resources to transform our politics.


To build power in West Michigan we need people supporting this work at every level, join our growing community of support, get regular updates about electoral and power building efforts and celebrations of success.


Want to dive deeper with us? In addition to regular updates and celebrations, Changemakers are invited to briefings throughout the year about the state of play across West Michigan and to talk directly with emerging and established progressive leaders from the area

Leadership Circle

Help build and lead the PAC as a member of our Leadership Circle, providing input into overall PAC strategy and engaging in invite-only conversations with key leaders as we chart the future of progressive power building in West Michigan.

Join us today with a gift that is meaningful to you!

Or checks made out to West Michigan Progress PAC can be mailed to 472 Crescent St NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503